The Incarnational Way by David Spangler

Thank you for your interest and participation.

We are pleased to present this Lorian Introductory module called The Incarnational Way. 

If you would like to go deeper into this and related subjects there are further materials available through the Lorian Association. These can be accessed through the links above and include:

© Copyright 2009 David Spangler and The Lorian Association. Please do not use materials presented here outside of this website. Thank you.
David Spangler
These two audio recordings and charts shown below were part 1 of a 5 part series given in 2009 at the Whidbey Institute near Langley, WA called The Incarnational Way: Context and cosmology for "Gaian Grails" 
Technical Note: If you would like to download and save the audio files a free audio recording program called Freecorder  4 can be downloaded from This program allows you to record anything that is playing on your computer such as the website streaming audio as offered here, Skype broadcasts, and the like. The program includes a way to convert this audio material into MP3 files or other files compatible with IPods or some other playback system which allows you to listen to the broadcasts without being online.

Spangler - Incarnational Way 1A

Spangler - Incarnational Way 1A

D Sapngler - Incarnational Way 1B

Spangler - Incarnational Way 1B